Practice Areas

Medical Malpractice

Every year, thousands of people are injured or even die because of mistakes made during their medical care. Known as medical malpractice, these preventable mishaps can take place in hospitals, private surgeries, medical clinics, or when receiving treatment from any other kind of healthcare provider.


Birth Trauma

There is nothing more exciting than bringing a new child into the world. Unfortunately, the process of labor and delivery is highly complicated and extremely unpredictable. So we have to be able to trust that our doctors and medical professionals will guide us through the process of childbirth with the highest standards of care. Doctors must be able to make split-second decisions to protect the health and safety of the newborn. Normally, this is exactly what happens. The doctors and nurses guiding women through pregnancy and delivery are generally among the best physicians in the world. Thankfully. But, in a minority of cases, physicians and other healthcare providers make mistakes with our unborn children that have fatal or life-altering consequences.

If your child has suffered harm from a medical error during the birthing process, call us for a free case evaluation.

School Accidents

Accidents occur at schools every day, both inside and outside. They are more likely to occur when there is poor supervision, insufficient security, old or broken equipment, or other dangerous conditions that have been ignored by administrators.


Nursing Home Neglect

Neglect is defined as a caregiver’s failure to provide or meet a person’s basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, proper hygiene, and medical care. Failing to ensure these needs are being met, increases a person’s risk for infections, illness, deterioration, and compromised safety.

Vehicle Accidents

In New York City, hundreds of car and truck accidents happen every day. If you or someone you love is injured in a car accident, life can suddenly become much more difficult. If you are seriously injured, you may need expensive medical care and treatment. If you are unable to work because of your injuries, you and your family may not be able to pay for necessary medical expenses in addition to your monthly bills. We work hard to determine the cause of any auto accident. Once we have found all the liable parties, we aggressively pursue favorable results for our clients.


Construction Accidents

The construction industry remains one of the most dangerous trades in which to work. If you or a loved one were involved in a construction accident, you may be able to bring a lawsuit for your injuries against the owner, general contractor, and other contractors or companies under Sections 200, 240, and 241(6) of the Labor Law of the State of New York. This is very important information for workers injured in construction site accidents because, in many cases, the workers’ compensation benefits do not adequately compensate for the injuries and other damages, like loss of earnings and benefits. It’s important to note that you cannot sue your employer for a work accident because the law limits you to a workers’ compensation claim for your employer if they have workers’ compensation insurance.


All property owners, municipal, residential and commercial, have the duty to ensure safe environments for all visitors. If you have been harmed by a hazardous condition on another’s sidewalk, personal residence, restaurant, mall, hotel, office building school, park, theater, museum or other property, call us immediately.  Trip-and-Fall injuries are a major cause of premises liability and commonly occur from uneven surfaces but can also be the result of crumbling stairs, raised flooring, falling debris, obstructed pathways and poorly lit walkways.electronic typesetting



Slip and fall injuries are premises liability claims that result when someone slips, trips or falls as a consequence of an unsafe or hazardous condition. Slip and falls are, by some accounts, the second leading cause of injuries in our country. Slip-and-falls come in many varieties.  The classic slip and fall case is the customer walking down the aisle of her local grocery store that slips on a banana peel and suffers an injury. In these cases, the key is whether the owner had either actual or constructive notice – they should have known it was there - of the banana peel. Store employees are good at playing dumb when it comes to acknowledging awareness of a hazardous condition. In this regard, you can rest assured that The Ram Law Group, PC. will not rest until we get the truth.


Because elevators are expensive to build and maintain, shortcuts are often taken that cause risk of serious injury or death to their occupants. Defective design or, more commonly, improperly maintained or installed elevators are the most common subjects of elevator lawsuits. In New York State, owners of elevators are required to guard against injuries to persons riding in such elevator. Property owners who maintain an elevator are required to use reasonable care in order to maintain their elevators and to warn potential occupants of the hazards they know about or should have known about after a reasonable inspection.  Unfortunately, not all of them do. 

Contact our law firm if you believe you have an elevator accident lawsuit – we spare no expense and retain some of the most qualified experts in this filed.  

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Call us today and we will be more than happy to serve you.